Mikal Preston
Tap, Jazz, Hip Hop, Heels
Mikal has been dancing since the age of 3 and has been an instructor for over 30 years in jazz, tap, lyrical, hip hop and acrobatics. She began teaching in Alaska and now has been the director/owner of her own Studio, Studio 49, for 20 years. She has been a guest instructor and choreographer at many studios in Alaska, Louisiana, California, Maryland and Canada, and has taught dance to children through Anchorage Community Schools programs. Mikal has performed with Diavolo Dance Theatre, her own Company at Studio 49, for Kristine W. in the opening ceremonies of the Special Olympics in 2001 and played “Vicki” in the traveling Broadway production of “A Chorus Line”. Mikal has also written, directed and produced 19 Dancicals for her company along with writing many original songs for the shows. Mikal has trained at numerous conventions, such as Tremaine, Dance Caravan, Dance Olympus, 5678 Showtime, NYCDA, NUVO, 24Seven, Jump and The Dance Awards. She has also danced at the Edge Dance Center and the Millennium Dance Complex in LA. Mikal has trained under dance legends such as Frank Hatchett, Gus Giordano, Mia Michaels, Joe Tremaine, Savion Glover, Gregg Russell, Henry LeTang, Dianne Walker and Doug Caldwell. Her choreography has won many 1st, 2nd and 3rd places at Regional and National competitions for the past 20 years. Mikal Has also choreographed Gymnastic floor and balance beam routines for high schools, colleges and club gymnasts. Her style, energy, sass and passion make her a fun teacher that everyone loves to learn from!